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What to do with severe headaches ?

Only those problems can be solved on the internet without any doubt in the diagnosis. Sadly, headaches are not a disease, they are just a symptom, and the causes can range from mild to severe. If I say painkillers, you may be able to control the headache for a while by taking it, but without proper treatment of the root cause, your headache will not go away, and what is the root cause, cannot be said based on so little information. There can be many causes of headaches. I haven't seen the same patient, just hearing a severe headache on him can no longer be treated.

However, it is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about. I'm writing about some common causes of headaches, their symptoms and what to do, you can see them, but it is never a substitute for a doctor's advice, they are just for your knowledge.

    Stress: Fatigue and headaches due to stress or physical exertion are very common. This can be either tension type headache or cluster type headache described in the figure. This is especially true of those who sleep too little or too much, drink too much tea and coffee, do not drink enough water to keep their body hydrated, have a habit of drinking, and stare at the screen of an electrical device for long periods of time. Pain is very normal. Headaches can also be seen in women as premenstrual syndrome, and this is due to the effect of hormones. You need to understand which one applies to you. You should get about 8 hours of sleep a night, and have an average amount of sleep. Do not use electronic gadgets before going to bed. Keep the house completely dark during sleep. In the evening try to avoid tea-coffee-chocolate-fried-bhuji national food. Eat plenty of water and aquatic foods. Reduce afternoon sleep or avoid it altogether if possible. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Sudden onset of sleep apnea or antidepressants may cause headaches. If you have insomnia due to 'nasal congestion', it is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, and you should consult your ENT specialist. Consult a psychiatrist if anxiety, insomnia, especially insomnia, or frequent sleep disturbances persist despite following all the rules.

    Migraine: In this case the headache is on either side; There is a special 'migraine aura' before the pain (darkening of the dazzling eyes as a prognosis); Exposure to light and sound increases pain and discomfort; There may be nausea and vomiting, and all of these symptoms may recur. These symptoms can also occur in the case of cancer, tumors, etc., so it is strictly forbidden to prescribe migraine medication without examining the patient. If you have this type of pain, consult a neurologist, medicine specialist, or your family doctor first.

    Sinusitis, Meningitis, Encephalitis and other infections: Sinusitis is an inflammation of the airways in the sinuses (viruses, bacteria, fungus, protozoa, TB, allergies - all of these causes), which occurs through the nose, and is usually accompanied by a runny nose. There will also be symptoms like cough, sneezing, stuffy nose, sore throat, fever etc. Needless to say, in this case you need to test COVID19 RTPCR / CBNAAT in this market. The rest are very serious illnesses, they do not seem to be yours, because they cause stiff neck, high fever, light and sound seem unbearable, consciousness is overwhelmed, and above all the patient is never in a position to ask questions in Kobora; And these can be Virus, Bacteria, Protozoa, TB, Fungus - for any reason. However, in all these cases you will need to consult a Medicine Specialist or your family physician.

Hypertension: High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, but in some cases there may be headaches, especially in the back of the head, but this is not a fixed rule, there may be pain in the palms of the head or on both sides. High blood pressure increases further depending on your age, eating habits, weight, etc. Blood pressure must be measured if you have a family history of high blood pressure, or if you are over 30. There is no point in deciding which medication to take for high blood pressure, because it depends on a lot of things like your age, so it is impossible to give you medication without direct examination. Consult your family doctor or Medicine specialist in this case.

    Temporal Arteritis: People who have it usually do not use Kbora, ie 60-70 year olds; At least when the body is sick, they are never seen to ask questions. In this case there is unbearable pain in the veins on both sides of the head. It is caused by a special inflammation of the blood vessels. In this case you can consult a Neurologist or Rheumatologist directly, or consult your nearest Medicine Specialist or your family doctor.

    Uncorrected Refractory Error: If the power of the eye increases or decreases, head pain can be seen in many cases. This is due to the extra strain on the muscles involved in eye movement. If you have to use glasses, you should see an eye specialist at least once a year. If you are a minor spectacle user, your power may change frequently, so get tested every six months until the age of 18-20 (after this age the power of the eyes usually does not change as often). Patients with diabetes may need to have an eye examination every six months to a year, or more frequent tests may be needed if the effects of diabetes are on the eyes. Please reduce screen time, use blue light filter on screen, and apply anti glare coating on glasses too. Consult an ophthalmologist immediately if you have eye problems, or watery, irritated eyes.

    Intracranial Space Occupying Lesions: Diseases such as cancer, tumor, blood clots (subdural haemorrhage, extradural haemorrhage, subarachnoid haemorrhage, intraparenchymal haemorrhage), congenital malformations or syphilis etc. From neurocysticercosis etc. Now - Aneurysmal Rupture or Intraparenchymal, Extradural or Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (this is the 'Thunderclap headache' described in the picture, which is like a thunderclap without clouds) is not likely to happen to you, because they are emergencies, if you do not ask them. Remaining Subdural Haemorrhage - Older Subdural Haemorrhage can cause pain in the elderly in many cases. Vomiting and convulsions are more common than headaches due to tapeworm. If the cancer is in the brain or if it has spread to other parts of the brain, there may be hundreds of symptoms like vomiting, weight loss, weakness, vision problems etc. So it is impossible to diagnose the disease without seeing the patient. In this case you may need to seek the advice of almost any specialist - Neurologist, Neurosurgeon, General Surgeon, General Medicine Specialist, Haematologist, Radiologist, Oncologist. So your Medicine Specialist or Family Physician can tell you who to go to the end.

    Hydrocephalus: It is caused by an increase in pressure inside the cranial chamber due to overproduction or low excretion of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. It is also common in children and adults, but others are not. Head size increases in children, but not in others. Adults with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus have vision problems, headaches, vomiting, body balance problems, excessive urination, amnesia, etc., and these are almost identical to the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinsonism, etc. You need to be reminded by a neurologist or General Medicine specialist to correct your diagnosis.

    Spinal Headache: Ankylosing Spondylosis Seronegative Arthropathy- In patients with spinal pain, neck or back pain may be felt in the head. In this case, you can take the advice of your family doctor or General Medicine first, or you can also take the advice of an orthopedist, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialist or Rheumatologist directly.

    Medication Overuse: Patients in the Indian subcontinent are sixteen times more likely to have it, because it is nothing more than a swallowing painkiller without a doctor's advice. By the way, there is a possibility of severe damage to the liver and kidneys.

Now you tell me the previous questions you asked: 'Can parasites go from the nose to the brain'; 'CT scan is not a good MRI for brain examination'; 'What causes pain in the palm of the head'; And in the end, from all the information I gave in response to this 'what to do with severe headaches', did you understand a little bit about what happened to you, what tests you needed, or what kind of treatment was needed? But you know more about your disease than I do; I have given the possible reasons without knowing more than half of the information - do you understand anything? This is the time you wasted in Kbora, will you get it back if there is any serious disease?

Even then, if it is said that please go straight to the doctor without playing tricks on your health, what would be the wrong thing to do?

However, what you do is entirely your personal decision, because when you say more than that, the doctors will hear you being scolded for saying, 'Commissioners, spectacles, rude, super-professionals, don't understand anything without money, pass by'. I wish you a speedy recovery and good health. Stay well.

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