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Reading Comprehension:01

As the Bharatiya Janata Party reportedly prepares for “Modifests” to celebrate the completion of three years in power the citizen would be interested in knowing how their government has performed in respect of the economy. This because in his election campaign in 2014 Narendra Modi had chosen to highlight his ability to turn the economy for the better, notably to raise its growth rate. Once he became Prime Minister, he quickly presented his idea of how this could be done. Manufacturing was to be the key and “Make in India” the government’s programme to actualise it. Pressing ahead to produce in India can hardly be faulted as an objective, for in a market economy income generation depends upon making something. As for the focus on manufacturing, its relevance cannot be exaggerated. Indian agriculture is overcrowded. With shrinking farm size, the returns to this activity is set to shrink and only manufacturing can absorb the labour that will have to be transferred out of agriculture. Also manufactures are often easier to export than the services that India specialises in. So, “Make in India” is eminently sensible of itself. But how successful has this initiative been?
Turning to the evidence, we would find that far from taking Indian manufacturing to new heights, the performance since 2014 does not match what has been achieved in the last boom in India, which was obtained during 2003-08. During this period, for the first time in decades, manufacturing had led the growth acceleration in the economy. In most of these years, annual growth of manufacturing had exceeded 10%, which has not been matched since. Interestingly, the performance of this sector in the last three years is not superior even to that at the tail end of United Progressive Alliance (UPA) II. Clearly, “Make in India” is yet to fulfil its promise.
Now, could it be that the programme has actually had a favourable impact but the fruits are yet to appear? This is possible, and would be the case if the programme has led to a surge in investment. But there is no evidence of this either. If we take a wider measure of investment — that for the economy as a whole — we see that capital formation as a share of total output has declined even more sharply since 2014 than it had been since the decline began in 2011. Private investment, seen as the bellwether of an economy, has not been forthcoming despite this government’s business-friendly orientation. As the decline in investment had commenced in 2011, the development itself cannot be laid at the present government’s door but it is unambiguously the case that it has not been able to reverse it. Part of the reason has to do with the fact that the focus of “Make in India”, such as the ease of doing business, has mostly been on the supply side. But there is demand to reckon with. Firms invest in anticipation of demand, and when they perceive slow growth of demand, they are likely to hold back.
It is clear that some part of the slow growth of demand in India is beyond the grasp of government due to the weather cycle. Two of the past three years have been years of very poor agricultural GDP growth, with the figure actually negative in 2014-15. But agriculture’s performance cuts both ways, serving also as windfall when it turns out to be buoyant. Thus, for 2016-17 the Central Statistics Office’s advance estimates indicate a more than three-fold increase in agricultural growth while industry and services register a reduction in theirs. Had agricultural growth not risen so dramatically, growth in 2016-17 would have slowed even more than it actually did. The government just got lucky.
Whatever may have been the demand-constraining impact of slow agricultural growth in the first two years of this government’s tenure, the independent role of its macroeconomic policy is evident. At a time of declining private investment the prudent thing for a government to do is to raise public investment. This has not happened on anything like the scale necessary. Indeed, with regard to fiscal policy, the government had been guided by fiscal consolidation defined in terms of deficit reduction. Admittedly, in this the National Democratic Alliance-II has only taken forward a programme initiated by UPA-I. But the slowing of capital formation was not a feature then, and economic policy is meant to respond to a changing environment. In 2016-17, gross fixed capital formation in the economy turned negative. This worrying development requires addressing. But having tied itself down to a dogmatic policy stance, the government can do little. The centrepieces of this policy package are fiscal consolidation and inflation targeting. This combination leaves no room to address concerns of growth. The government’s response to suggestions that it respond to the situation is that it will not sidetrack fiscal consolidation. Actually, no one is asking it to! It is possible to adhere to fiscal deficit targets while expanding public capital. You do this by switching expenditure from consumption to investment.

Q.1 Which of the following statement is true?
(i)During this period, for the first time in decades, manufacturing had not led the growth acceleration in the economy.
(ii) Manufacturing was to be the key and “Make in India” the government’s programme to actualise it.
(iii) “Make in India” is eminently sensible of itself.

A. (i) and (iii)
B. Only (ii)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (iii)
E. Only (i)

Q.2 How much had annual growth of manufacturing exceeded?
A. 12%
B. 10%
C. 15%
D. 18%
E. 20%

Q.3 Why the growth of demand in India is slow?
A. Due to the corruption.
B. Due to the agriculture performance.
C. Due to the demonetisation.
D. Due to the economic cycle.
E. Due to the weather cycle.

4. Which of the following statement is true?
A. Private investment, seen as the bellwether of an agriculture, has not been forthcoming despite this government’s business-friendly orientation.
B. Private investment, seen as the bellwether of an economy, has been forthcoming despite this government’s business-friendly orientation.
C. Private investment, seen as the bellwether of an economy, has been forthcoming despite this government’s business-unfriendly orientation.
D. Private investment, seen as the bellwether of an economy, has not been forthcoming despite this government’s business-friendly orientation.
E. Private investment, seen as the bellwether of an economy, has not been forthcoming despite this government’s business-unfriendly orientation.

Q.5 Two of the past three years have been years of very poor agricultural GDP growth,
A. with the figure actually positive in 2014-15
B. with the figure actually negative in 2014-15
C. with the figure actually positive in 2015-16
D. with the figure actually positive in 2013-14
E. with the figure actually negative in 2015-16

Q.6 The centrepieces of this policy package is/are:
(i) Fiscal consolidation
(ii) Macroeconomic policy
(iii) Inflation targeting

A. (i) and (iii)
B. Only (i)
C. Only (iii)
D. (ii) and (iii)
E. Only (ii)

Q.7 Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Reasonable
B. Vigilant
C. Wise
D. Sound
E. Careless

Q.8 Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Actual
B. overstated
C. Sensible
D. Minimized
E. Reasonable

Answers With Explanation:
1. Ans. D.
Solution: According to the passage the true statements are:
(ii) Manufacturing was to be the key and “Make in India” the government’s programme to actualise it
(iii) “Make in India” is eminently sensible of itself.

2. Ans. B.
In most of these years, annual growth of manufacturing had exceeded 10%, which has not been matched since.

3. Ans. E.
It is clear that some part of the slow growth of demand in India is beyond the grasp of government due to the weather cycle.

4. Ans. D.
The true statement is:
Private investment, seen as the bellwether of an economy, has not been forthcoming despite this government’s business-friendly orientation.

5. Ans. B.
Two of the past three years have been years of very poor agricultural GDP growth, with the figure actually negative in 2014-15.

6. Ans. A.
The centrepieces of this policy package are fiscal consolidation and inflation targeting.

7. Ans. E.
Prudent means sensible in action and thought.

8. Ans. B
Exaggerated means enlarged to an abnormal degree 


Reading Comprehension:02

The collapse of a great wall of garbage in east Delhi’s Ghazipur area, sweeping people and vehicles into a nearby canal, is a stark reminder that India’s neglected waste management crisis can have deadly consequences. More than a year after the notification of the much-delayed Solid Waste Management Rules, cities and towns are in no position to comply with its stipulations, beginning with the segregation of different kinds of waste at source and their scientific processing. Neither are urban local governments treating the 62 million tonnes of waste generated annually in the country as a potential resource. They have left the task of value extraction mostly to the informal system of garbage collectors and recyclers. Improving on the national record of collecting only 80% of waste generated and being able to process just 28% of that quantum, requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions. But what is more important is that the municipal bodies put in place an integrated system to transport and process what has been segregated at source. The Swachh Bharat programme of the Centre has focussed too narrowly on individual action to keep streets clean, without concurrent pressure on State and municipal authorities to move closer to scientific management by the deadline of April 2018 set for most places, and arrest the spread of pollution from trash.

In the absence of stakeholders at the local body level, recoverable resources embedded in discarded materials are lost due to dumping. Organic refuse, which forms about 50% of all garbage, readily lends itself to the generation of compost or production of methane for household use or power generation. But it is a major opportunity lost. Organic waste that could help green cities and feed small and affordable household biogas plants is simply being thrown away. It is also ironic that while some countries such as Rwanda and Kenya have introduced stiff penalties for the use of flimsy plastic bags, India is doing little to prevent them from drifting into suburban garbage mountains, rivers, lakes and the sea, and being ingested by cattle feeding on dumped refuse. A new paradigm is needed, in which bulk waste generators take the lead and city managers show demonstrable change in the way it is processed. There has to be a shift away from large budgets for collection and transport by private contractors, to the processing of segregated garbage. As the nodal body for the implementation of the new rules, the Central Pollution Control Board should put out periodic assessments of the preparedness of urban local bodies in the run-up to the deadline. Without a rigorous approach, the national problem of merely shifting city trash to the suburbs, out of sight of those who generate it, will fester and choke the landscape. Considering that waste volumes are officially estimated to grow to 165 million tonnes a year by 2030, many more suburbs are bound to be threatened by collapsing or burning trash mountains.

Question 1.
Which among the following is true according to the passage?
A. The national record of collecting more than 80% of waste generated and being able to process just 28% of that quantum requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions.
B. the national record of collecting below 80% of waste generated and being able to process just 28% of that quantum, requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions
C. the national record of collecting only 80% of waste generated and being able to process less than 28% of that quantum, requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions
D. the national record of collecting only 80% of waste generated and being able to process just 28% of that quantum, requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions
E. all are false
Answer: D
Explanation: Improving on the national record of collecting only 80% of waste generated and being able to process just 28% of that quantum, requires behaviour modification among citizens and institutions

Question 2.
Which of the following can be the suitable title for the passage?
A. Mountains of garbage
B. Negligence of waste management
C. Waste management and clean India.
D. Clean India campaign
E. None of These
Answer: A
Explanation:  Mountains of garbage is the suitable title for the passage.

Question 3.
Which of the following statement is/are wrong according to the passage.
I. The Swachh Bharat programme of the Centre has focussed too much on individual action to keep streets clean.
II. Organic waste that could help green cities and feed small and affordable household biogas plants is simply being thrown away.
III. Organic refuse, which forms more than 50% of all garbage, readily lends itself to the generation of compost or production of methane for household use or power generation
A. Only I
B. (I) and (III)
C. Only B
D. Only C
E. (I) and(II)
Answer: option B

Question 4.
Which of the following country/countries introduced stiff penalties for the use of flimsy plastic bags?
A. Rwanda and Kenya
B. Kenya and India
C. India
D. Rwanda
E. Kenya
Answer: A
Explanation: It is also ironic that while some countries such as Rwanda and Kenya have introduced stiff penalties for the use of flimsy plastic bags.

Question 5.
Choose the word, which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Tough
B. Coarse
C. Thin
D. Lasting
E. Durable
Answer: C
Explanation: Flimsy means without material strength or solidity.

Question 6.
Choose the word, which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. far-reaching
B. Narrow
C. Restricted
D. Limited
E. Specific
Answer: A
Explanation: Sweeping means having considerable extent.
Question 7.
Choose the word, which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Isolation
B. Solitude
C. Seclusion
D. Camaraderie
E. Separateness
Answer: D
Explanation:  Segregation means the state of being alone or kept apart from others.

Question 8.
Choose the word, which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Fixed
B. Encapsulate
C. Uproot
D. Ingrain
E. Entrench
Answer: C
Explanation: Embedded means to fix into a surrounding mass.

Reading Comprehension:03

Directions ( 1-5): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.

Italian super - luxury sports car manufacturer Lamborghini has spread its wings in India. And it, has just opened a dealership in bengaluru, the IT (information technology). capital of the country,
It has already a dealership in Mumbai, the financial capital, and Delhi, the political capital. At a price tag of over Rs. 1 Crore. Who will buy a Lamborghini car? Rather, what gives the Italian car maker the confidence to not only drive into India but also expand its presence? The choice of its location for dealership gives a clue or two to its game plan, and also an insight into its prospective customer profile. While dealership in Mumbai and Delhi are understandable considering the wealth and power that reside in these two metros, the choice of Bengaluru to locate it new dealership indicates that the Italian company is betting big on the neo rich who have sprouted in big numbers in the wake of an unprecedented growth experienced by this city. If super - luxury brand like Lamborghini is sensing an unfolding big opportunity in a New India, other traditional global luxury car makers have turned very ambitious with new launches. Despite high import duty barriers, global luxury car markers continue to believe that roll out new models and ramp up dealership in a bid to sustain the appetite of India's super rich for expensive cars is only likely to grow. After the launch of BMW M5, priced at Rs. 1.35 crore its german rival Mercedes - Benz launched next - generation C- Class, priced at Rs. 40.9 lakh in New Delhi. The C- Class is one of the most successful products of Merc in India. It has so far sold over 20,000 units C- class in India. Till date, Lamborghini had sold around 94 sports cars in the country. It said the high import duty would impact the company's sales in India, and 2014 might see a lower volume. In 2013, it sold around 22 super - luxury sports cars in India. "The import duty in India is higher than many other counties. We want to sell more cars in the country but the import duty in India is high as much as 167 percent. This huge import tax will impact the sales of the super cars in the country," said Automobili Lamborghini President and CEO Stephan Winkelman. Apart from the high import duty, the late launch of its new model Huracan into India market was another reason for lower sales this year. The company expects to improve the sales next year. Lamborghini is also considering the possibility of launching its SUV in India by 2018. In  April 2012 the company showcased its concept SUV at the Beijing Auto Show.
1. Which of the following rationale explains the curtailing of Lamborghini car trade in India?
(A) The price figure ranges over one crore.
(B) Lofty import duty
(C) Delayed launch of its new model
1. Only A
2. Only B
3. Only C and A
4. Only B and C
5. Only A and B

2. What kind of strategy is mentioned in the passage about the car selling geographical factor?
1. Launching a new model every six months will give lots of choices to buyers.
2. Competitive environment leads to better designing of Lamborghini cars.
3. Seeking out well - heeled people who have enormously emerged in Bengaluru.
4. Mumbai and Delhi are having many rich people, so it was easy for the company to launch their car first here.
5. None of these

3. Which of the following statements is true according to the given passage?
1. Lamborghini in the only company to flourish better in India when it comes to car sales.
2. The new model Huracan's predecessor is Mercedes' C- class
3. Lamborghini proliferates augmentation in India.
4. Mercedes- Benz is an adherent of Lamborghini.
5. None of these

4. According to the passage what makes the company think that their sales will grow in the country?
(A) The ability of afford high import duties by Indians who are living in rich metropolitan areas.
(B) The inclination of moneyed people towards sports car will potentially grow.
(C) The luxury car is a stipulated requirement or thriving people as it has been seen in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru.
1. Only A
2. Only B
3. Only C and A
4. Only B and C
5. Only A and B

5. What can be concluded from the passage about the buyers and sellers of Lamborghini cars?
(A) People in India have a good preference and knowledge about the Lamborghini car.
(B) Buyers are afar of sellers in India, therefore new metropolitan city was opted to launch a new dealership.
(C) Regarding car sales competitive environment is ubiquitous in India.
1. Only A
2. Only B
3. Only C
4. Only B and C
5. Only A and B

Answer :
1. Only B and C
2. Seeking out well - heeled people who have enormously emerged in Bengaluru.
3. Lamborghini proliferates augmentation in India.
4. Only B
5. Only C

Reading Comprehension:04

Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions out of the several alternatives:
The group of  tired dusty riders arrived at a fork in the road. Their leader immediately sprang to the ground after first throwing his rein to one of the others, and began to examine minutely the sandy track,
The problem was simple; if the fleeing enemy had taken the left turning, there remained little hope of catching them, since he knew that it led back to a small settlement of native huts where they should be sheltered by the friendly inhabitants. If, on the other hand, they had branched to the right, they would have before them the open desert, not a flat expanse of sand such as they had just crossed, but a country broken by a series of ridges, behind any of which a whole army could hide.
He turned to his companions to see if he could read any solution in their faces. But they were too occupied by their aching limbs and several were taking a quick drink from the flasks which hung at their belts. He realized every minute's delay lessened their chances of overtaking their adversaries. So, with a rapid glance at the sun, he jumped once more into the saddle and with his whip indicated the way they were to go.

Q1.  Why did the leader look at the sun?
a) To estimate what daylight still remained
b) He sent a silent prayer to the sun - god to show the way
c) To estimate chances of their overtaking their adversaries
d) To estimate their position in the desert

Q2.  What, if any, was the difference in the nature of the terrain they had already traversed and the one lying ahead?
a) The country - side already traversed was ups and downs
b) There was hardly any difference as it was a vast expanse of unending desert
c) The terrain hitherto was dusty and tiring, the road ahead led back to a habitation
d) What they had crossed was a flat expanse of sand and what they lay ahead to the right was a series of ridges of sand

Q3. What difficulties did they expect if they took the branch to the right?
a) The open desert ahead promised no oasis to shelter them at night
b) They were absolutely in the dark about what they lay ahead of them
c) Ahead lay a country full of ridges of sand providing cover to the fleeing enemy
d) They would have before them the open desert obstructing pursuit

Q4. What was the aim of the group of riders?
a)They were fleeing from a pursuing enemy
b) They had a small settlement of native huts as their goal
c) They were exploring a desert
d) They were pursuing a fleeing enemy

Q5. What difficulties did the pursuers expect if they took to the left hand track?
a) It led through a trackless expanse of unending desert
b) It led to a settlement where the residents would surely shelter the enemy they were after
c) The settlement it led to was hostile to them
d) The leader anticipated a possible revolt among his followers, foot - sore, dust covered and tired as they already were

Q6.  Where and why did they stop?
a) At a fork in the road to examine the sandy track for foot - prints of the fleeing enemy
b) At the huts of some friendly inhabitants in order to rest their weary limbs
c) At a three - way crossing where the leader wanted to study the position of the sun in the sky
d) At a fork in the road in order to decide whether they should turn left or right

Answer 1  (Option A)
Answer 2 (Option D)
Answer 3 (Option C)
Answer 4 (Option D)
Answer 5 (Option  C)
Answer 6 (Option  D)

Reading Comprehension:05

Ever since the dawn of civilization, persons in power have tried to control education .
During the Christian Era, the ecclesiastics controlled the institution of education and diffused among the people the gospel of the Bible and religious teachings.
They taught the poor people to be meek and to earn their bread with the sweat of their brow. while the priests and the landlords. lived in luxury. During the Renaissance, education passed from the clutches of the priests into the hands of the prince. It became more secular. Thus, under the control of the monarch, education began to preach the infallibility of the monarch which meant that the king could do no wrong. With the advent of Industrial Revolution, education no longer remained the privilege of the baron class, but was thrown open to the new rich merchant class. The philosophy in vogue during this period was that of 'Laissez Faire --- restricting the function of the state to merely keeping law and order, while in actual practice the law of the jungle prevailed in the form of free competition and the survival of the fittest.

1. During the Christian Era, the institution of the education was controlled by
a. the monarchs
b. the secular leaders of the society
c. the common people
d. the church and the priests

2. During the Renaissance, education was controlled by
a. the common people
b. the secular leaders of the society
c. the princes
d. the church and the priests

3. Under the control of monarch, education began to preach
a. that kings were gods
b. that the king was infallible
c. that the king, like common man could also do wrong
d. none of the above

4. With the advent of Industrial Revolution, education
a. was the sole privilege of the baron class
b. was thrown open to the new rich merchant class
c. was free for the poor
d. none of the above

5. The philosophy of  'Laissez  Faire' stands for
a. joint control of the means of production by the state and private enterprise
b. individual freedom in the economic field
c. state control of the means of production
d. restricting the function of the state of merely keeping law and order

Reading Comprehension:06

The total stress in the Indian banking system is about Rs. 14 lakh crore. In other words, this is the amount for which loans have been given to industry and for which there is now no certainty of repayment.
The figure is set to increase with the banking regulator recently raising a red flag over the indebtedness of the telecom sector and asking banks to increase standard asset provisioning. This means that even if the account is not a non-performing asset (NPA), banks have to set aside higher capital. In fact, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks to identify stressed sectors and to make higher provisions to prepare for bad days ahead.
Bad loans in the Indian banking system have almost doubled in the past year. According to Reserve Bank of India data, gross NPA, as a percentage of gross advances, went up to 9.1% in September 2016 from 5.1% in September 2015. In the same period, stressed assets (which is gross NPA plus standard restructured advances and write-offs) moved up from 11.3% to 12.3%. Some estimates suggested it had doubled since 2013. Public sector banks share a disproportionate burden of this stress. Stressed assets in some public sector banks have approached or even exceeded 20%.
A PARA solution
Amid the sharp rise in NPA, talks of setting up a ‘bad’ bank have been gaining momentum. The government and the RBI are drawing up strategies on how to operationlise such a scheme. The economic survey of 2016-17 pointed out the twin balance sheet problem — stressed companies on one hand and NPA-laden banks on the other — and advocated a centralised Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA) be established to deal with the bad loans problem.
“Private Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) haven’t proved any more successful than banks in resolving bad debts,” the economic survey had said while proposing the ‘bad’ bank. “But international experience shows that a professionally-run central agency with government backing — while not without its own difficulties — can overcome the difficulties that have impeded progress,” it added.
One challenge private sector ARCs face is that of capital. None of the entities till now has been allowed to tap the capital market for raising funds. Kotak Mahindra Bank, which recently took its board’s approval to raise Rs. 5,300 crore equity said the bank also wanted to capitalise on opportunities in acquisition and resolution of stressed assets in the banking sector including participation in a ‘bad’ bank. Kotak Mahindra Prime and Kotak Mahindra Investments, companies in the Kotak Mahindra Group are sponsors of the asset reconstruction company Phoenix and together own 49% stake in it.
“The ARCs are badly capitalised. We see significant opportunity for Kotak in this,” Mr. Kotak said adding the country would need 2-3 well-capitalised ‘bad’ banks.
Some central bank as well as government officials also admitted capital was the biggest challenge in setting up a ‘bad’ bank. “At least Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 30,000 crore of capital will be required to set up a bad bank in the initial stages. Where will the money come from?” asked a senior central bank official.
Two models
RBI deputy governor Viral Acharya recently suggested two models to solve the problem of stressed assets. The first, Private Asset Management Company (PAMC), is said to be suitable for sectors where the stress is such that assets are likely to have economic value in the short run, with moderate levels of debt forgiveness. Some of the sectors which this model could address metals are telecom and textiles.
In this model, each resolution plan would get vetted and rated by at least two credit rating agencies to assess the financial health and in terms of timeline, the banking sector may be asked to resolve and restructure, say, its 50 largest stressed exposures in these sectors, by December 31, 2017, the deputy governor had proposed.
The second model is the National Asset Management Company (NAMC), which would be necessary for sectors where the problem is not just one of excess capacity but possibly also of economically unviable assets in the short- to medium-term. Mr. Acharya cited the example of the power sector, where projects have been created to deliver aggregate capacity that is beyond the estimated peak utilisation any time soon.
(Source: The Hindu)

(1). According to passage, what is the possible reason behind the increase of the total stress in the Indian banking system?
(a) Indian Government is not serious about it.
(b) The banking regulator recently has raised a red flag over the indebtedness of the telecom sector and asked banks to increase standard asset provisioning.
(c) Government has decided to waive farm loans totalling more than Rs 1 lakh crore.
(d) None of the Above

(2). Consider the following statements:
1. Bad loans in the Indian banking system have almost doubled in the past year.
2. Stressed assets in some public sector banks have approached or even exceeded 20%.
Which of the following statements given above is/are correct?
(a) Both are Correct
(b) 1 only
(c) 2 only
(d) None is Correct

(3). Why is the economic survey of 2016-17 advocated for a centralised Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA)?
(a) To deal with the Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs) problem.
(b) To waive farm loans.
(c) To waive industrial loans.
(d) To deal with the bad loans problem.

(4). What is the biggest challenge in setting up of a ‘bad’ bank?
(a) Approval of the Finance Ministry.
(b) Approval of the RBI.
(c) Capital
(d) An efficient policy.

(5). Which model is suitable for stressed assets in Power Sector?
(a) Private Asset Management Company (PAMC)
(b) National Asset Management Company (NAMC)
(c) Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA)
(d) None of the Above

(6). Choose the word which is Most Similar to the word printed in bold in the passage.
(a) During
(b) Separate
(c) Outside
(d) Beyond

(7). Choose the word which is Most Similar to the word printed in bold in the passage.
(a) Lethargy
(b) Weakness
(c) Drive
(d) Stuff

(8). Choose the word which is Most Similar to the word printed in bold in the passage.
(a) Block
(b) Advance
(c) Unclog
(d) Liberate

(9). Choose the word which is Most Opposite to the word printed in bold in the passage.
(a) Audit
(b) Explore
(c) Sweep
(d) Ignore

(10). Choose the word which is Most Opposite to the word printed in bold in the passage.
(a) Crest
(b) Nadir
(c) Spike
(d) Aiguille


1. Ans: (b) The banking regulator recently has raised a red flag over the indebtedness of the telecom sector and asked banks to increase standard asset provisioning.

2. Ans:  (a) Both are Correct

3. Ans:  (d) To deal with the bad loans problem.

4. Ans:  (c) Capital

5. Ans:  (b) National Asset Management Company (NAMC)

6. Ans:  (a) During

7. Ans:  (c) Drive

8. Ans:  (a) Block

9. Ans:  (d) Ignore

10. Ans: (b) Nadir

Reading Comprehension:07

Direction(1-8): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
For the first time in 11 years, in 2015-16 the combined fiscal deficit of India’s 29 States as a proportion of the size of their economies breached the 3% threshold recommended as a fiscally prudent limit by successive Finance Commissions. The Reserve Bank of India has warned that the States’ expectation to revert to the 3% mark in their 2016-17 Budgets may not be realised, based on information from 25 States. While the Central government has projected a fiscal deficit of 3.2% of GDP for this year, States expect to bring theirs down further to 2.6% — still higher than the average of 2.5% clocked between 2011-12 and 2015-16.
Whichever way one looks at it, the steady gains made in States’ finances over the past decade seem to be unravelling. Chief Economic Adviser Arvind Subramanian has asserted that the 3% of GDP benchmark for the fiscal deficit of the States or the Centre is not a magic number. Yet, it serves as an anchor for fiscal discipline in a country whose two biggest crises in recent decades — the balance of payments trouble in 1991, the currency tumble in 2013 — were precipitated by fiscal irresponsibility.
Taking on the massive debt of their chronically loss-making power distribution companies, as part of the UDAY restructuring exercise steered by the Centre, has surely dented the States’ fiscal health significantly over the past couple of years. With private investment remaining elusive, the States’ focus on bolstering capital expenditure in sectors such as transport, irrigation and power is welcome (States’ capital expenditure as a proportion of their GDP has been higher than the Centre’s since 2011-12). But it is important that such funding remains sustainable and States stay solvent. Tepid economic growth hasn’t helped, and States have had to resort to higher market borrowings even after the Centre hiked their share from tax inflows to 42% from 32%, starting 2015-16. The Centre has been short-changing States by relying on special levies such as surcharges, cesses and duties that are not considered part of the divisible tax pool. So, instead of a 10% rise in the States’ share of gross tax revenue, the actual hike in 2015-16 was just 7.7%. The forthcoming Goods and Services Tax regime should, it is to be hoped, correct this anomaly to an extent. But there are other potential stress points: Pay Commission hikes, rising interest payments, the unstated risks from guaranteeing proxy off-budget borrowings by State enterprises, and the boisterous clamour for ad hoc loan waivers. The N.K. Singh panel on fiscal consolidation has recommended a focus on overall government debt along with fiscal deficit and a 20% debt-to-GDP ratio for States by 2022-23. Not just the Centre, but States (with outstanding liabilities to GDP of around 24% as of March 2017) also need to tighten their belts considerably from here, even as they await the constitution of the Fifteenth Finance Commission.

1. How much fiscal deficit has been projected by the central government in this year?
A. 2.5%
B. 32%
C. 3.7%
D. 3%
E. 3.2%

2. The States’ focus on bolstering capital expenditure in which of the following sector(s)?
i. Power ii. Economics iii. Transport
A. Only i
B. Only iii
C. Only i and ii
D. Only i, ii and iii
E. Only i and iii

3. Which of the following two biggest crises happened in recent decades?
i. Problem in transportation
ii. interdisciplinary culture
iii. the currency tumble in 2013
iv. the balance of payments trouble in 1991
v. macroeconomics

A. only iii
B. only ii and iii
C. only iii and iv
D. only v
E. only ii and v

4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Tepid economic growth has helped, and States have had to resort to higher market borrowings even after the Centre hiked their share from tax inflows to 42% from 32%, starting 2015-16
B. Tepid economic growth hasn’t helped, and States have had to resort to higher market borrowings even after the Centre hiked their share from tax inflows to 47% from 32%, starting 2015-16
C. Tepid economic growth hasn’t helped, and States have had to resort to higher market borrowings even after the Centre hiked their share from tax inflows to 42% from 32%, starting 2015-16
D. Tepid economic growth hasn’t helped, and States have had to resort to higher market borrowings even after the Centre hiked their share from tax inflows to 42% from 33%, starting 2015-16
E. None of these.

5. Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Resolve
B. Confuse
C. Twist
D. Fuddle
E. Throw

6. Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Order
B. Collapse
C. Rise
D. Surface
E. Ascend

7. Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Disturbance
B. Make noise
C. Dissonance
D. Calm
E. Demand

8. Choose the word which is MOST OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
A. Hinder
B. Support
C. Fortify
D. Tone up
E. N.O.T.

1. Ans. E.
2. Ans. E.
3. Ans. C.
4. Ans. C.
5. Ans. A.
6. Ans. B.
7. Ans. D.
8. Ans. A.

Reading Comprehension:08

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow .You have to choose your answers out of the four given choices (a), (b), (c) and (d).

The Supreme Court Judgement which abolishes punishment for attempted suicide will prove to be a milestone in India's Judicial history. This is so because the judgment will benefit tens of thousands of
miserable souls who are prosecuted for  failing to kill themselves. Around 50,000 suicides are reported in India every year.Considering that three suicide  bids take place for every successful one, we can safely  assume that the failed suicides amount to 1,50,000 a year in India .
These 1,50,000 individuals could be  sentenced to one year in jail under Section 309 of the Indian penal Code Which  the Supreme Court Judgement has effected as being unconstitutional. Quite rightly, the  judgement said that Section punishment  for a troubled individual whose deep unhappiness had caused him to try and end his life.
Yet, time  and again,, the Indian police had launched these prosecutions.The Supreme Court Judgment has overturned a 1987 decision by a division bench which had upheld the constitution
Validity of the Indian law  against Suicide. The judgment had ruled that the right to life  implied in  the Indian Constitution does not include the right to die.

1. Which judgement  of the supreme  Court will be a milestone in India's  Judicial History?
(a) The  one abolishing Suicide
(b) the one abetting suicide
(c) the one doing away with punishment for attempted suicide
(d) the one  condoning suicide

2. Why is the judgement hailed as a milestone?
(a) because it will bring relief all around
(b) because it will lessen the work of the police
(c) because it is very balanced
(d) because it will bring relief to all those being punished for attempting suicide

3.  What punishment according to the passage was envisaged for unsuccessful suicide attempts, under the Indian law ?
(a) a fine of thousand rupees
(b) death sentence
(c) one year in jail
(d) extreme torture

4. The judgement has termed Section 309 as cruel  and irrational because
(a) it takes away the right to life
(b) it doubles the punishment of a tortured soul
(c) it is very lenient
(d) it provides for false accusations

5. What has the Indian police done time and again ?
(a) it has attempted  to punish those guilty of trying to end their life
(b) it has punished those who have committed suicide
(c) it has imposed hardships on citizens
(d) it has violated the Constitution

6. The Supreme Court judgement
(a) has come up with the decision on its own
(b) has reversed an earlier  judgement dealing with suicide
(c) is a continuation of the 1987 decision
(d) is a unique one

7.In 1987, a division bench had
(a) rejected the Indian law against suicide
(b) changed the Indian law against suicide
(c) supported the Indian law against Suicide
(d) given a new meaning to the suicide law

8. The 1987 judgement had reasoned that
(a) a man was free to die
(b) the constitution did not provide for Suicide
(c) right to die in Indian Constitution was upheld
(d) the right to life in Indian Constitution had no implication of right to die

9. The word 'effaced' in the passage means
(a) included
(b) deleted
(c) devised
(d) dismissed

10. The word 'validity' in the passage means
(a) soundness
(b)  remainder
(c) invocation
(d) legality

Reading Comprehension:09

Today, Comprehensionrize to its credit, Grameen is one of the largest microfinance organizations in the world. It started out providing small sums to underprivileged tycoons in Bangladesh to help them grow from a survival living to a livelihood. The great discovery its founders made was that even with few assets, these entrepreneurs repaid on time. Grameen and microfinance have since become financial staples of the developing world. It‘s approach, distinct from other microfinance, uses the group lending model. Costs are kept down by having borrowers vet one another, tying together their financial fates and eliminating expensive loan officers entirely. The ultimate promise of Grameen I to use business lending as a way for people to lift themselves out of poverty. Recently, Grameen has taken on a different challenge by setting up operations in the US .money may be tight in the waning recession, but it is still a nation 1,00,000 bank branches. Globally, the occupied microfinance equation consists of borrowing reserves economically and keeping loan evasions and overhead expenses adequately low. Microlenders, including Grameen, do this by charging colossal interest rates as high as 60% or 70%-which is necessary to compensate for the risk and attract bank funding, but loans rates much above the standard 15% would most likely be attacked as usurious in America. So, the question is whether there is a role for a Third World leader in the world‘s largest economy. Grameen America believes that in a few years it will be successful and turn a profit, thanks to 9 million US households untouched by mainstream banks and 21 million using the likes of payday loans and pawn shops for financing. But enticing the unbanked won‘t be easy. after all, profit has long eluded US microfinanciers and if it is not lucrative, it is not microlending, but charity. when Grameen first went to the US, in the late 1980s, it tripped up. Under Grameen‘s tutelage, banks started microloans to entrepreneurs with a shocking 30% loss. But Grameen America says that this time results will be making loans, not training an American bank to do it. More often than not, the borrowers, Grameen finds, in the US already have jobs(as factory workers for example) or side business-selling toys, cleaning houses etc. the loans from Grameen, by and large, provided a steadier source of funding, but they don‘t create businesses out of nothing. But money isn‘t everything. More importantly for many entrepreneurs, group members are tremendous sources of support to one another.

Question 1.
What has adversely affected the success of microfinance institutions in the US?
(a) The focus of these institutions is on making a profit at any cost instead of being charitable to the needy
(b) American banks engaged in microlending were the most severely hit during the recession
(c) A widespread perception is better suited to developing countries
(d) Their failure to attract those outside the formal banking system as customers
(e) American‘s are too proud to accept aid from Third World Countries
Ans. (d)

Question 2.
Why was Grameen made a second attempt to launch itself in the US?
(a) The willingness of US banks to provide the necessary staff and funds to facilitate the spread of microfinance
(b) The rates of interest on loans in the US are exorbitant, making it easier to recover capital.
(c) The realization that a large percentage of the American population not reached by mainstream banks can be tapped
(d) Recognition of the fact that disbursing credit in developing countries during the recession is too risky
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

Question 3.
Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
(a) Microfinance has been effective only in Asian nations
(b) Microfinance makes individual borrowers dependent rather than independent
(c) America has the largest number of banks in the world
(d) There is scope for microfinance institutions to be profitable in developed countries
(e) There are no informal sources of credit in developed countries
Ans. (c)

Question 4.
According to the author, what has enhanced the likelihood of success for Grameen America at present?
(a) Its success in Bangladesh and other developing countries
(b) Absence of other microfinance institutions for competition
(c) The fact that America is currently in the midst of a recession
(d) It provides loans at nominal rates of interest ie below 15 percent
(e) None of these
Ans. (e)

Question 5.
Which of the following can be said about Grameen?
(A)Its success in developing countries will ensure its success in developed countries
(B) It guarantees that the unfortunate in developing countries enjoy a survival standard of living
(C) It has demonstrated that the poor are far more likely to repay loans than the affluent
(a) None
(b) Only (A)
(c) Only (A) and (C)
(d) Only (B)
(e) Only (C)
Ans. (a)

Question 6.
What is the central theme of the passage?
(a) The conventional that Grameen is doomed to fail in developed countries
(b) A comprehensive evaluation of the current status of the American economy
(c) A brief discussion about the forecasts of Grameen and microfinance in the US.
(d) The role of banks in facilitating micro-lending efforts in developed nations
(e) Microfinance efforts are useful in developing countries but are futile in developed ones.
Ans. (c)

Question 7.
Why was Grameen America‘s initial US initiative of a flop?
(A) Shortage of correct training to Grameen American staffs.
(B) Grameen‘s refusal to adapt their system to meet the needs of the American poor.
(C) It ended up giving loans at half their customary rates of interest
(a) None
(b) only (A)
(c) Only (A) and (C)
(d) Only (B)
(e) Only (C)
Ans. (b)

Question 8.
Which of the following is a benefit of the Grameen system of microfinance?
(a) If a single member is unable to repay a loan, other group members will repay
(b) Dispensing with the expense of technology networks to monitor advances
(c) It utilizes the vast bank network already existing in a country
(d) Group members can sanction loans and verify if borrowers have sufficient collateral
(e) Backing that borrowers receive from other group members
Ans. (e)

Question 9.
Which of the following is most similar in meaning to the word ―ELUDED‖ as used in the passage?
(b) Duped
(c) Abandoned
(d) intangible
(e) Betrayed
Ans. (a)

Question 10.
Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the word ―COLOSSAL‖ as used in the passage?
(a) short
(b) Lavish
(c) Minority
(d) Frugal
(e) Insignificant
Ans. (d)

Reading Comprehension:10

Directions (Q.1 – Q.10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
We admire better hygiene and better traffic discipline abroad, but would breach the same back home. We condemn our system for churning out unemployed youth, but don’t like working hard to acquire knowledge. Students demanded their right to cheat in an examination; it is the same set of discards that later become a burden as they fail to acquire a skill for gainful employment. Rights are forcefully demanded, but duties generally detested .

As citizens of a functioning democracy, we welcome populist policies and government bounties. The State is expected to provide free electricity, free Wi-fi, free water, free books, free housing, free transport, free health facilities, free education. This will not raise much cavil if they are provided to the deserving sections of society. The problem arises when undeserving elements try to corner these benefits through devious means. The benefits that are provided by the government are seldom used in a responsible manner. Water and electricity are wasted, public utilities vandalised. We want the State’s delivery mechanism to be prompt and efficient, but we seldom reciprocate. We forget that it is the people who make the country and not the other way round. We resent nepotism and favouritism in government service delivery, but would not mind peddling

influence to seek undue favours. The plan to develop smart cities would turn out to be still-born if we don’t have smart citizens who would be willing to make sacrifices for a dignified living. We under-report our income and underpay our taxes, but we resent the government’s plea on inadequate resources to provide for basic amenities. Digging the road for a private purpose, piling building materials on thoroughfares, tapping of the sources of water or electricity is a common sight; but the same people will complain of congested roads, contaminated water or load-shedding without realising that it is their selfish actions which are affecting the quality of public services. There are enough laws and rules, but enforcement is seldom effective. While you pay a hefty $ 1000 fine for littering in a developed country or for a traffic violation, in India you can get away without penalty through various desi jugad (influence-peddling). Sometimes, the systemic imperfections impede the enforcement of the rule of law as the law-abiding citizens do not always get their rightful dues. Today, hundreds of thousands of applications for a fire licence or a building plan are allegedly pending in government offices for years, unless you pass on the speed money to those in the gravy train. Many services in the government are rightly being outsourced on account of the inability to deliver in a timely, transparent and efficient manner. Similarly, many other critical services with substantive time and cost overruns, such as clearing a building plan or sanctioning a statutory licence should also be outsourced. Information technology needs to be suitably harnessed for most of these services. E-governance is definitely the way to the future. As a country we shall continue to grovel in the dust until the citizens are aware of their responsibilities. One only hopes that we shall soon wake up by acting as responsible citizens of a great nation.

1. According to the passage, what are the main causes of outsourcing of the government works?
1) Lack of technology aptitude among the government employees.
2) Lack of resource and man power.
3) Inability to maintain robust pattern of work process.
4) Lack of confidence to implement process in time with transparency and efficiency.
5) Other than given options

2. Which of the following is/are valid suggestion given by the author?
(A) Responsibility should be shared among the citizen.
(B) E–governance should be encouraged.
(C) Rules should not be seen in totality.
1) Both (A) and B)
2) Both (B) and (C)
3) All (A), (B) and (C)
4) Only (C)
5) Only (A)

3. Which of the following is/are the ironical part of Indian citizens, according to the passage?
(A) We blame our government for non availability of jobs, but don't like to work hard.
(B) We admire better hygiene and better traffic discipline abroad but usually breach the same in our country.
(C) Rights are violently expected, but duties are generally neglected.
(D) People resent favouritism and nepostim but would not mind seeking favours.
1) Only (A) and (C)
2) Only (B) and (C)
3) All (A), (B), (C) and D
4) Only (C)
5) Only (A) and (D)

4. Which of the following is the most suitable phrase/word to 'Cavil' as used in the passage?
1) A trivial and annoying objection
2) To act in an objectionable manner
3) To lower the dignity
4) Possessing qualities that given great satisfaction
5) Exercising the power

5. Which of the following is/are the constraints to the healthy civil/society?
(A) Lack of effective enforcement of rules.
(B) Lack of political will
(C) Selfish actions by the irresponsible citizens.
(D) An organised cartels to seek private interests.
1) Only (A) and (B)
2) Only (A) and (C)
3) Only (B) and (D)
4) All (A), (B), (C) and (D)
5) Only (A), (B) and (C)

6. What does the grary train expression mean?
1) An activity from which people make a lot of money very quickly and easily
2) Very fast train
3) Very comfortable train
4) A situation of high inflation
5) Growing economy

7. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word 'Grovel' as used in the passage?
1) Crawl
2) Search
3) Value
4) Elevate
5) Exalt

8. Which of the following is false in the context of the given passage?
1) As citizens of the largest democracy, we a lot but flinch from doing anything that is expected of its people.
2) A sense of duty is conspicuous by its absence in a predominant majority of our civil society.
3) People are usually apathetic when it comes to their duties.
4) People regale themselves by indulging in vanadlism of government properties.
5) Other than given options

9. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word 'Devious' as used in the passage?
1) frank
2) open
3) truthful
4) dishonest
5) straightforward

10. Choose the word which is most similar in meaning to the word 'Pedding' as used in the passage?
1) Flagging
2) Suggesting
3) Pulling
4) Offering
5) Urging

Directions (Q.11–Q.15): Which of the phrases 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 given below each statement should replace the phrase which is underlined in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and No correction is required, mark 5 as the answer.

11. The launch of the new phone was delayed which resulted in heavily losses.
1) result in heavily losses
2) resulted in heavy losses
3) resulted in heavily loss
4) had resulted in heavily loss
5) No correction required

12. Since he failed to pay his rent on time the landlord denied him access to the premise.
1) access to premise
2) to access the premise
3) to access the premises
4) access to the premises
5) No correction required

13. Having lifted the heavy bag , I suffered a severe pain in my hand.
1) suffered from a server pain
2) was suffered a severe pain
3) was suffering the severe pain
4) suffered the severe pain
5) No correction required

14. Ritu doubts when she will be ready for the interview in time.
1) Ritu doubt if
2) Ritu has doubt
3) Ritu doubts whether
4) Rit has doubts
5) No correction required

15. According to the branch manager not more than three per cent of education loans taken by students are overdue.
1) by students is overdue
2) by the student are overdue
3) by student are overdue
4) by us are overdue
5) No correction required

Answer Key :
Answer 1. 4
Answer 2. 1
Answer 3. 3
Answer 4. 1
Answer 5. 2
Answer 6. 1
Answer 7. 1
Answer 8. 5
Answer 9. 4
Answer 10. 5
Answer 11. 2
Answer 12. 4
Answer 13. 1
Answer 14. 3
Answer 15. 1

Reading Comprehension:11

Once upon a time Shree Krishna and Arjun went for a short stroll around the city. They saw a poor looking priest begging. Arjun felt pity for him and he gave him a bag full of 100 gold coins. The priest became very happy and thanked Arjun. He left for his home. On way, he saw another person who needed help. The priest could have spared a coin or two to help that person. However, he chose to ignore it. But on way to his home, one thief robbed him of his bag of coins and ran away.

The priest became dejected and went back again for begging. Next day again when Arjun saw the same priest begging and he was surprised that after getting a bag full of coins which can last a lifetime, the priest was still begging! He called the priest and asked him the reason for this. The priest told him about the whole incident and Arjun again felt pity at him. So, this time he gave him a diamond.
The priest became very happy and left for home and he again saw someone who needed help but he chose to ignore again. Upon reaching home, he safely put the diamond in an empty pot of water with a plan to cash it out later and live a wealthy life. His wife was not at home. He was very tired so he decided to take a nap. In between, his wife came home and picked up that empty pot of water, walked towards the river close by to fill up the water. She had not noticed the diamond in the pot. Upon arriving at the river, she put the whole pot into the running river water to fill it up. She filled up the pot but the diamond was gone with the water flow!
When the priest woke up, he went to see the pot and asked his wife about the diamond. She told him, she had not noticed it and it must have been lost in the river. The priest couldn’t believe his bad luck and again started begging. Again Arjun and Shree Krishna saw him begging and Arjun inquired about it. Arjun felt bad and started thinking if this priest will ever have a happy life.
Shree Krishna who is an incarnation of God smiled. Shree Krishna gave that priest one coin which was not even enough for buying a lunch or dinner for one person. Arjun asked Shree Krishna, “Lord, I gave him gold coins and diamond, which could have given him a wealthy life, yet it didn’t help him. How will just one coin help this poor guy?” Shree Krishna smiled and told Arjun to follow that priest and find out.
On the way, the priest was thinking that one coin Shree Krishna gave him, he can’t even buy a lunch for one person. Why would he give so little? He saw a fisherman who was getting a fish out of his net. Fish was struggling. The priest felt pity at fish. He thought that this one coin won’t solve my problem, why not I save that fish. So the priest paid the fisherman and took the fish. He put the fish in his small pot of water which he always carried with him.
The fish was struggling in a small pot of water, ended up throwing out a diamond from the mouth! The priest screamed with a joy, “I got it, I got it”. At that same point, the thief who had robbed the priest’s bag of 100 gold coins, was passing through there. He thought that the priest recognized him and may get him punished. He got nervous and ran to the priest. He apologized to the priest and returned his bag full of 100 gold coins. The priest couldn’t believe what just happened.
Arjun saw all this and said, “Oh Lord, Now I understand your play”.

Question 1:
What is the moral of the story?
A. One day you will get everything, so do not lose hope.
B. When you have enough to help others, don’t let that chance go.
C. Your good deeds will always be repaid to you.
D. You cannot get enough if you have bad luck.
E. Arjun was kind and worried for the well-being of poor people.
1. Only A
2. Both B and C
3. Only B
4. Only C
5. Both D and E

New Pattern Reading Comprehension Part- 2
Question 2:
What is the meaning of “The priest could have spared a coin or two to help that person”?
1. The priest could have thanked the person by giving him one or two coins.
2. The priest could have given some coins to help the needy person.
3. The priest did not give any coin to the poor person.
4. The poor person asked for one or two coins but the priest did not help him.
5. Some coins could be given to priest.

Question 3:
Which of the following statements is correct?
1. Arjun felt pitty at priest when he saw him begging again.
2. Arjun who is an incarnation of God smiled.
3. The priest kept coin of bags in empty pot of water.
4. The priest’s wife knew about the diamond still she took the pot to river to fill up water.
5. As opposed to first two times, the priest offered his help third time.

Question 4:
Why did the priest screamed with joy?
1. He recognized the thief who stole his bag of coins.
2. He was happy to save the life of the fish.
3. He got the lost diamond
4. He found his stolen bag of coins.
5. Not clearly mentioned in the passage

Question 5
Why did the priest help the fish?
1. He realized his mistake of not helping others for the first two times.
2. The coin given to him by Krishna was of no use to him.
3. He was unable to buy even a single meal with that coin.
4. He felt pity at fish and realized that the coin, that could not solve his problem, can save fish.
5. He knew that the fish had his lost diamond.

Question 6
Which of the following is the most appropriate title of the story?
1. Always help others
2. Bad luck dos not let people get rich
3. The circle of Good Deed
4. Story of a Priest
5. Helping others and getting rich

Question 7
Find the synonym of SPARED as used in the passage.
1. Extra
2. Afford
3. Complimentary
4. Unoccupied
5. Additional

Question 8:
Find the synonym of STROLL as used in the passage.
1. Wander
2. Shopping
3. Relieve
4. Embolden
5. Fortune

Question 9:
Find synonym of incarnation
1. Blessing
2. Ruler
3. Veteran
4. Avatar
5. Influx

Question 10:
Find antonym of Dejected
1. Dark
2. Murky
3. Morbid
4. Depressed
5. Ecstatic


Answer 1
Option 2
Answer 2
Option 2
Answer 3
Option 5
Answer 4
Option 3
Answer 5
Option 4
Answer 6
Option 3
Answer 7
Option 2
Answer 8
Option 1
Answer 9
Option 4
Answer 10
Option 5

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