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How to do CPA marketing in a very simple way ?

How to do CPA marketing ?

What is CPA Marketing? How to do CPA marketing?

Today everyone knows about online income. But those who have heard but are not doing anything by themselves have some misconceptions because they do not know some things well. Some people think that all the ways to earn money online are freelancing or outsourcing. In fact, it is not at all.

Online marketing is not freelancing at all. However, if someone is marketing a product on behalf of the client, then the client is outsourcing and in that case you are freelancing. However, if you do any marketing from which you earn in a different way than doing someone else's work, but that is online marketing. This is definitely not freelancing.

Today I will discuss with you about CPA marketing, one of the means of online income.

What is CPA Marketing?

The full meaning of CPA market is Cost Per Action. Simply download something, share, register on any site, etc. An important part of affiliate marketing is CPA marketing. It is a new advertising payment model that pays for certain tasks. In CPA marketing you will be paid not for selling a product but for a specific job. These are simply called Action. Such as: registration, email submission, PIN submission or download etc. CPA marketing generates an average of-1- $ 4 per lead. Therefore, it is possible to easily earn several times more through CPA marketing than the current advertising payment models.

Let's give a simple example. Suppose a software company offers a download that, if they can download the software, will pay ২ 2 per download. Now if you can download a software then you will get 2 dollars per download. This is what CPA marketing is all about.

What offers are available at CPA?

A variety of offers are available at CPA. These include:

Pay per download: Such offers are software download, games download, etc.

Pay per lead: Such offers are sign up, email submission, etc.

Pay per sale: These types of offers are cell type such as health, insurance, etc.

There are also various other offers. For example: Financial, Casual Dating, Health and Beauty, Gaming, PIN Submit, Survey, Mobile App, Travel, Ecommerce etc.

Why do CPA marketing?

As an online marketer you can do different types of marketing. Such as affiliate marketing, cpa marketing, youtube marketing etc. To be an online marketer you need to have a good quality idea about many things online which is never possible for a new person online. Doing an online promotion on your own site or any other method is a very high level job which requires enough experience to do.

But in the case of CPA marketing, without much research, only by working as a rule, a good income can be made from the beginning. Even those who are new to online and have started with CPA gain confidence as a result of fast income generation.

What kind of income can be made from CPA marketing?

It depends on your work. However, if you work regularly and follow the rules, it is possible to earn over a thousand dollars a month. If you do not work according to the rules, not a single penny of income is possible. If you work with an offer of 3 dollars, if you can complete 20 actions in a day, then you can earn 30 dollars a day. The monthly income will be ড 900.

Where can I get CPA offers?

There are over 500 CPA marketplaces in the world. The largest CPA networks in the world are Maxbounty, Peerfly, Neverblue, Affiliaxe, A4D, Clickbooth, Clickdealer etc. Their action rate is very high and it is very difficult to get an account. So I would say it is better not to work in these networks in the new situation.

Here are some CPA networks to get the best and easiest approval for newcomers:






Several mobile CPA networks include YeahMobi, ClicksMob, Matomy, ClickDealer, Avazu, Private, Exchange (APX), GoWide.


You can select CPA Network by looking at CPA Network Reviews.

Registration procedure in CPA network:

Almost all CPA networks want to know about your promotion method or plan when signing up on the site. In that case, copy-paste the following text a little bit.

Sign up

If you say - Incentive Traffic: Yes / No. You will give No. Incentive traffic means whether you bring traffic with bribe or not.

How to easily offer selection and analysis?

Offer selection and analysis can be done in different ways. You can select offers directly from your network. You can also take the help of Affplus, Offervault, oDigger. Details of CPA offers are available in these.

How to promote the offer?

When you get approval from a CPA network site, you will get your dashboard by logging in to that site. Go to the dashboard and select the offer of your choice. You will get your link in that offer. You will promote that link.

Offers can be promoted in different ways Paid method, Free method, Email marketing etc. The most profitable paid method. However, it is better to work on the free method as new.

Paid method: Facebook paid ads, 7seach, Bing Adwords, Google Adwords.

Free method: article marketing, youtube video marketing, blog tumenting, social media marketing such as facebook, twitter pinterest etc.

YouTube Video Marketing - YouTube Video Marketing is very popular these days. Create a video related to your offer, create a channel on YouTube, upload the video there, give a good title, write a description and link your offer there. Then share your video in different places. But I think the default shares of YouTube are enough. Read a little about YouTube and other free traffic.

Email marketing: Email marketing is one of the traffic sources for CPA marketing. The best are those who can collect emails from Craigslist. Craigslist marketers I have met earn ২০০ 200-500 a day from CPA marketing only through email marketing.

How to make payment?

You will get payment in different ways. Such as: PayPal, Pioneer, Bank Transfer etc. As there is no PayPal in present Bangladesh, you can withdraw money through Pioneer or bank transfer. Some CPA networks have a check system. Usually you can withdraw money only if it is 50 to 100 dollars.


Of course, do not fulfill your offer yourself. No matter how clever you are, CPA sites will catch you and ban your account forever. You can give status in the form of Facebook. You can promote on Twitter. There are so many types it's hard to say. Just find out and start marketing and make money now.

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