Subscription Details

Subscription Details
verify subscription: Remember that if you do not verify subscription, you are not an active user, in which case you will not receive any notification. So after submitting the email, go to the inbox and verify.

Why does it need to be verified?
 Many people know that all Google related products need to be verified because Google does not want any fake users so Google FeedBurner confirms through their verification whether any robot is controlling it.

What happens if you do not submit the mail and verify? If you do not verify the subscription, you are not an active user, in which case you will not receive any notification. However, you can get some services of of our site, but if you are a verified user, you will get all our new updates in your mobile notification.

 Will there be any service charge or money? No, everything on our site is free. Everything is free, starting with the download. However, do not copy the post and use it on other sites. Comply with copyright laws.

 Use Yahoo Mail?
 It is now possible to do almost anything with a Gmail ID. So try to use your active email id. Yahoo Mail can be used. Since your notification will be mailed, it is better to have regular usable mail.

 How to verify subscription?
 After you submit your mail ID, a mail from Google Feedburner will be sent to your mail inbox. Open the mail and scroll down a bit and you will actually get the verification link below. Now verify the subscription by clicking on the link.

What is Google Feedburner?
 Google Feedburner is Google's site So that you can get all the posts you need at the right time.
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