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Most Important Banking Abbreviation For IBPS Exam Or Private Bank Exam

Abbreviation word start with A
ACF- Auto-Correlation Function
AD - Authorized Dealer
ADB - Asian Development Bank
ADR - American Depository Receipt
AFS - Annual Financial Statement
AGM - Annual General Meeting
AIRCSC - All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
AO - Additive Outliers
AR - Auto Regression
ARIMA - Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average
AFS - Available For Sale
ASSOCHAM- Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM - Automated Teller Machine
Abbreviation word start with B
BIS - Bank for International Settlements
BOI - Bank of India
BoP  - Balance of Payments
BPM5 - Balance of Payments Manual, 5th edition
BPSD - Balance of Payments Division,
DESACS, RBI BSCS - Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BSR  - Basic Statistical Returns
Abbreviation word start with C
CAD - Capital Account Deficit
CAG - Controller and Auditor General of India
CBS - Consolidated Banking Statistics
CC - Cash Credit CD - Certificate of Deposit
CD- Ratio Credit Deposit Ratio
CDBS - Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics
CF- Company Finance
CFRA - Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts
CGRA - Currency and Gold Revaluation Account
CII - Confederation of Indian Industries
CO - Capital Outlay
CP - Commercial Paper
CPI- Consumer Price Index
CPI-IW - Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers
CR - Capital Receipts
CRAR- Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
CRR-- Cash Reserve Ratio
CSIR-- Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSO- Central Statistical Organisation
CVC- Central Vigilance Commission
Abbreviation word start with D
DAP - Development Action Plan
DBOD- Department of Banking Operations and Development
DBS - Department of Banking Supervision,
DCA-- Department of Company Affairs,
DCB - Demand Collection and Balance
DCCB- District Central Cooperative Bank
DCM- Department of Currency Management,
DD - Demand Draft
DDS - Data Dissemination Standards
DEIO - Department of External Investments and Operations
DESACS - Department of Statistical Analysis & Computer Services,
DGBA - Department of Government and Bank Accounts,
RBI DGCI&S - Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
DI- Direct Investment
DICGC- Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
DID - Discharge of Internal Debt
DMA - Departmentalized Ministries Account
DRI - Differential Rate of Interest Scheme
DSBB - Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
DVP - Delivery versus Payment

Abbreviation word start with E
ECB - External Commercial Borrowing
ECB - European Central Bank
ECGC - Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
ECS - Electronic Clearing Scheme
EDMU - External Debt Management Unit
EEA - Exchange Equalization Account
EEC - European Economic Community
EEFC - Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
EFR - Exchange Fluctuation Reserve
EPF - Employees Provident Fund
EXIM Bank--- Export Import Bank of India

Abbreviation word start with F
FCA - Foreign Currency Assets
FCCB - Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FCNR(B)-- Foreign Currency Non-resident (Banks)
FCNRA - Foreign Currency Non-resident Account
FCNRD - Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit
FDI - Foreign Direct Investment
FEMA- Foreign Exchange Management Act
FI-- Financial Institution
FICCI- Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FII- Foreign Institutional Investor
FIMMDA- Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
FISIM - Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
FLAS- Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey
FOF- Flow Of Funds FPI- Foreign Portfolio Investment
FRA- Forward Rate Agreement
FRBM- Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act
FRN - Floating Rate Note FSS- Farmers’ Service Societies
FWG - First Working Group
Abbreviation word start with G
GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GDR - Global Depository Receipt
GFD - Gross Fiscal Deficit
GFS - Government Finance Statistics
GIC - General Insurance Corporation
GLS - Generalized Least Squares
GNIE - Government Not Included Elsewhere
GoI- Government of India
GPD- Gross Primary Deficit
G-Sec - Government Securities

Abbreviation word start with H
HDFC- Housing Development Finance Corporation
HFT - Held For Trading
HICP - Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
HUDCO - Housing & Urban Development Corporation

Abbreviation word start with I
ICAI - Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAO- International Civil Aviation Organi-sation
ICC- Integrated Circuit Card
ICDP- Intensive Cattle Development Programme
ICICI- Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited
ICRA- Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency
ICSID- International Centre for Settlement of Investment
IDBI-- Industrial Development Bank of India
IDFC - Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited
IDR- Indian Depository Receipt
IDRBT- Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
IFC- International Finance Corporation
IFCI - Industrial Finance Corporation of India Limited
IFSC- Indian Financial System Code
IPG - Internet Payment Gateway
IPO - Initial Public Offering
ISO- International Standard Organisation
IVP- Indira Vikas Patra

Abbreviation word start with K
KCC - Kisan Credit Card
KVP- Kisan Vikas Patra
KYC- Know Your Customer

Abbreviation word start with L
LAF- Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LAN- Local Area Network
LBS - Lead Bank Scheme
LC - Letter of Credit
LMM - Liquidity Management Module
LOC - Lines of Credit NSSO - National Sample Survey Organisation
LTF - Long-Term Finance

Abbreviation word start with M
MBFC - Mutual Benefit Financial Company
MODS- Multi-Option Deposit Scheme
MPBF - Maximum Permissible Bank Finance
MRD - Market Regulation Department
MRTP - Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices
MSME- Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise

Abbreviation word start with N
NABARD - National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NAC(LTO)- National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operation)
NAIO - Non Administratively Independent Office
NAS- National Account Statistics
NASSCOM-- National Association of Software and Services Companies
NBC - Non-Banking Companies
NBFC- Non Banking Financial Companies
NEC - Not Elsewhere Classified
NEER  - Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
NFA - Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
NFD- Net Fiscal Deficit
NGO- Non-Governmental Organization
NHB - National Housing Bank
NIC - National Industrial Classification
NIF - Note Issuance Facility
NNML - Net Non-Monetary Liabilities
NPA - Non-Performing Assets
NPD - Net Primary Deficit
NPRB - Net Primary Revenue Balance
NPV - Net Present Value
NR(E)RA - Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account
NR(NR)RA - Non-Resident (Non-Reparable) Rupee Account
NRE - Non-Resident External
NRG - Non-Resident Government
NRI - Non-Resident Indian
NSC - National Statistical Commission
NSSF - National Small Savings Fund
Abbreviation word start with O
OD - Over Draft
ODA - Official Development Assistance
OECD - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECO - Organisation for Economic Cooperation
OFI - Other Financial Institutions
OLTAS - OnLine Tax Accounting System
OMO - Open Market Operations
OSCB- Other Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank
Abbreviation word start with P
PACF- Partial Auto-Correlation Function
PACS - Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
PCARDB- Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
PD- Primary Deficit
PDAI - Primary Dealers Association of India
PDO- Public Debt Office
PDO-NDS- Public Debt Office-cum- Negotiated Dealing System
PDs - Primary Dealers
PES- Public Enterprises Survey
PF- Provident Fund
PIO - Persons of Indian Origin
PMJDY-- Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana
PNB - Punjab National bank
PO - Principal Office
PRB - Primary Revenue Balance
PSE - Public Sector Enterprises
PUC - Paid Up Capital
PIN - Personal Identification Number
PIO - People of Indian Origin
Abbreviation word start with Q
QIB - Qualified Institutional Buyers
QIP - Qualified Institutional Placement
QIS - Quantitative Impact Study
Abbreviation word start with R
RBI - Reserve Bank of India
RD - Revenue Deficit
RDBMS-- Relational Database Management System
RE - Revenue Expenditure
REC - Rural Electrification Corporation
REER - Real Effective Exchange Rate
RFC - Residents Foreign Currency
RIB -Resurgent India Bonds
RIDF- Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RLA- Recoveries of Loans & Advances
RLC- Repayment of Loans to Centre
RNBC - Residuary Non-Banking Companies
RO- Regional Office RoCs- Registrars of Companies
RPA - Rupee Payment Area
RPCD- Rural Planning and Credit Department,
RBI RR - Revenue Receipts
RRB -Regional Rural Bank
RTP- Reserve Tranche Position
RUF - Revolving Underwriting Facility
RWA - Risk Weighted Asset
RTGS - Real Time Gross Settlement
Abbreviation word start with S
SARFAES - Ses and Reconstruction of Fmancial and Enforcement of Security Interest
SBI-State Bank of India
SCB-State Cooperative Apex Bank
SCC- Selective Credit Control
SDRs-Special Drawing Rights
SEBI- Securities and Exchange Board of India
SHGs-Self-Help Groups
SICA- Sick Industrial Companies Act
SIDBI- Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDC- State Industrial Development Corporation
SIM- Subscriber Identity Module
SJSRY - Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana
SLBC - State-level Banker’s Committee
SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SME-Small and Medium Enterprises
SPNS- Shared Payment Network Systems
SPOM-Self-Programmable One-Chip Microcomputer
SPV- Special Purpose Vehicle
SSIDC- State Small Industries Development Corporation
SSls- Small Scale Industries
STF - Short-Term Finance
Abbreviation word start with T
T-Bills- Treasury Bills
TAN - Transaction Number/Tax Deduction Account Number
TCS - Tata Consultancy Services
TDF - Technical Development Fund
TRIFED- Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation
TRIPS- Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
Abbreviation word start with U
UCPDC- Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UTI - Unit Trust of India
Abbreviation word start with W
WGMS - Working Group on Money Supply
WPI - Wholesale Price Index
WSS - Weekly Statistical Supplement
Abbreviation word start with Y
YTM- Yield to Maturity
Abbreviation word start with Z
ZO - Zonal Office 
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