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Best Tips for Digital Advertising Marketing Strategy

What is Digital Advertising ?
Digital advertising is the practice of delivering promotional content to users through various online and digital channels. It leverages mediums such as social media, email, search engines, mobile apps, affiliate programs and websites to show advertisements and messages to audiences. Digital advertising is an online form of advertising utilizing the digital marketing channels that deliver the internet, including search engines, email, social media, and text messages. Digital advertising has existed since the late 1990s and is growing continuously, more than doubling in the past decade. The Internet has enabled the delivery of advertising via email marketing, search marketing, social media marketing, and video marketing. It allows advertisers to directly target specific customers who would like to receive advertisements. 

Digital Advertising Popular Methods:

  • 1. Search Engine Marketing
  • 2. Display Advertising:
  • 3. Social Media Advertisements:
  • 4. Email Marketing:
Digital advertising the term itself describes that when you advertise your product or brand through digital mediums its called Digital advertising. There are multichannel in digital media like

Search -first and most prior digital media channel for any brand to advertise should be Search channel because user intent and curiosity is here only when a user searches for any product information to aware himself about the product brand presence become a must , also advertising here is more relevant as ads are shown only when user keywords are matched ..the user is shown a ad only when what he is searching for ..

Social media -as u know people share and spend time a lot in social networking websites like Instagram.Com twitter.Com ,Pinterest.Com etc so for brand engagement advertising in social media is a must
Display network -there are million of web publishers whether a blog or news,sports or a travel website every website has a ad space and in form of banner,flyer ads we can advertise our own brand in this ad spaces ,pricing models are on impression CPM and click basis CPC .

Mobile . with the increase in mobile consumer base internet accessibility through mobile has grown threefold with a recent news update google mobile search has crossed desktop mobile search also google has started removing website link from SERP which are not properly mobile device optimised we have also seen numerous app across all sectors so to advertise our own brand or product there are various mobile ad networks like Admob and inmobi through which we can serve ad to Mobile App publishers

Video- for any brand storytelling is a must it makes user aware about the brand also create a psychological perception of owning it as video has 5x engagement ratio then banners/image we must also advertise our brand video or TVC in video sharing website such as also it has larger impact in case of brand awareness

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